Sometimes our logo’s were designed an eternity ago and we no longer have access to the original files to determine which fonts were used.

As web designers, we need good (editable) copies of your logo and unless you are re-branding yourself, we often are faced with having to re-build the logo for our customers. For consistency in the recognition of your brand the original fonts used are a vital element.

A brilliant tool we use to identify the fonts is called “What the font” and it works like a dream by cleverly selecting sections of an uploaded image and suggesting what it thinks it sees.

You then verify whether it has read it correct or not and bam! – it tells you what font it is. Remarkable tool!

Identify your font in three easy steps:

1) Browse for “What the font”

2) Upload the logo image and press CONTINUE

Really Useful tools - What the font

3) “What the Font” will highlight certain sections of your logo allowing you to verify whether it has identified the letters correctly. You must leave blank the ones that it couldn’t identify or miss-identified.

How what the font identifies your font