Writing good copy is essential for grabbing the attention of your audience so make use of this awesome copywriting tool.

copywriting tool - grammarlyAre you a perfectionist? Have you ever wished that you could get your grammar checked before you submitted your work to ensure that your blog, article or story is 100% grammatically correct? If you are an online marketer, a content editor, a blogger, author or just writing for fun, there is now no longer an excuse to make grammar mistakes because we have found this awesome tool for you called Grammarly. Grammarly is an free writing app that makes sure everything you type is easy to read, effective and mistake-free. It ensures your copy is always free from grammatical errors and at the same time it will help you to improve your writing skills.

Writing for the web has become very specialised in recent years because we have a very limited amount of time to engage the customer. Persuasive copy writing that is also correctly SEO’d, (written for Google’s computers), is essential for web success. We often find that we are provided with appalling copy when we are asked to build websites; copy that is unlikely to lead a browser to making a purchase or enquiry.  However, you know your business best and it helps us if your write some copy yourself and let us tweak and SEO it for you.

Just make sure it is grammatically correct with this super cool copywriting tool called Grammarly.

It has a free 7 day trial before you have to pay. It checks your content for grammatical errors and helps you to improve your writing skills. We love the animations as it searches through your copy. We also use it to ensure copy we receive is not duplicated or copied from another site which would have serious implications on the success of your website ranking on Google. Google do penalise for copied content so be original, be creative and use Grammarly to help you!

We do provide our customers with persuasive and SEO’d copywriting services so don’t forget to mention it when asking us for a quote.